

Una aclaración: mi revuelto (por no decir complejo) e irracional de memoria ser, entre so pendejadas y anhedonia, siente debo disculparme por la inconsistencia temporal a partir de Fearless, pero pondré al final el aproximado de la fecha en que la esencia del poema fue techné-ado. Sigan poniéndose.

The world was to be mine,
I'd give the arts a new purpose:
Freedom from death's entwine...

My alchemy was rhymes,
They have still helped me focus
Throughout vindictive times...

I learned it all from there:
A choir in me reciting;
I had fervor to spare...

But how could I forget?
Like hosts, they're so inviting,
Too fast again we met...

I needed to feel,
I couldn't tase the glory!

It was time to heal,
But excess would bind me

I'm not sorry I failed,
I don't regret obsessing,
But finally I've exhaled...

Oh hurting over this
Could not be more depressing,
The world ran out of bliss...

Is there anything left
To compensate ecstasy?
Life seems a hollow depth...

Guess there's no way to know
Now mysterious pain can be,
If I don't die, I'll grow...

Succulent cure dish,
I hate to admit:
I'm powerless...

Careful what you wish,
I couldn't handle it,

Circa julio 2008.

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